Daily Meditation for the Sacred Masculine, March 22

▶ Tomorrow: Fatherhood groups at 11am and 6pm Pacific time. Click on the times for the Zoom links. Or email me at
- Today's suggested practice: To enjoy the slow yielding of this moist season... (see below)
- My playlist while writing today's meditation: Bajofondo, Cristal
- My morning practice: 1.5 hours with short warm-up for the lower triangle, followed by Kriya to Know the Other as Myself, and Linking to the Infinite pranayama and mantra (FYI: I'll be teaching this on Thursday morning)
- My vulnerability practice: I soften my impatience and feel her need for patience, always more patience...
—Hans Peter Meyer
MY MEDITATION It's raining. I'm listening to Bajofondo's "Cristal," a slow, deliberate tango vibrating through my body.
What happens when I dance tango slowly, so slowly that with each step I am on the edge of losing my balance, losing her balance? What happens when I breathe so slowly that I can feel my lungs, my very blood vessels demand more, and faster?
Then I begin to feel the endless ebb and flow of Her ocean. The syncopation —the lunging to the next beat extended beyond balance and into some magical, masterful space where we are always falling, always correcting.
There is no balance. Only this endless falling and correcting. And nowhere do I feel my own demand for faster and more than in this seemingly endless Spring of my yearning, where Your moist yielding reveals in such deliberate and beautifully painful peeling how much I long for resolution. To be done. Yet Your moist yielding draws me in and transforms me. I penetrate, my roots seeking the nourishment of Your soil, I become so slow and deliberate that I feel You flowing into me.
It is always here, this ebb and flow, the falling and correcting, the endless transformation.
But, absorbed in the taking of my penetration of this moment, I am numb to the receiving and the change.
In this slow season, in my impatience with this slow season and it's seeming stalled progress, I am reminded: I am not like that anymore.
I am here to serve Her with my powerful presence. To hold my beloved, and to serve all forms of the feminine, allowing them to know the depths of their beauty, without fear. Held safe. My awareness, my presence, my penetrative direction are only to facilitate this ebb and flow, this tide of nourishment that gives me all that I want.
Breathe. Relax. Feel this moist yielding. Enjoy. And be changed.
TODAY'S INSPIRATIONS🌀... even between the closest people infinite distances exist, a marvellous living side-by-side can grow up for them, if they succeed in loving the expanse between them, which gives them the possibility of always seeing each other as a whole and before an immense sky. (Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet)
🌀Most of the time, there is the sense that there is not enough time, but when you realize that there is sufficient time within each moment to fulfill every moment, the time shows up. Our prayer is that you adjust to accept the balance that is. (Guru Singh and Guruperkarma Kaur, Time Enough)
🌀You're not like that now. (My Oracle)
TODAY'S SUGGESTED PRACTICE Take five minutes to enjoy the slow yielding of this moist season. Read it through, then...
- Set a timer for at least five minutes. Then...
Stand in the rain. In the shower. Sit in the bath, or in the ocean or river. Stand by the sink full of water. Be somehow in the wet of water, however it is available to you in this moment.
- Feel how cold or warm this moisture is on your skin. Smell it. Taste it.
- Moving very slowly —if standing in the forest or the river, walking so slowly you almost lose your balance; if sitting in a tub or standing by the sink, moving your hands almost imperceptibly through the basin. Feel the water resisting you, holding you, guiding you, yielding to you.
- Imagine that all of you limbs were roots or branches taking in not only the water from this moist environment, but the energy of yielding and receiving and soaking-in. Feel yourself a membrane both holding the moisture and allowing the moisture to penetrate.
- Welcome this wet and allow it to change you, your perception of where you begin, where you end, where moisture begins and ends.
- As the timer sounds bring your attention back to your body as separate from the moisture. As you continue your walk in the woods or swim in the ocean, your bath or your shower, or your dishes remember yourself as that which holds spaces, and that which yields. There is only falling and correcting. You are always in motion. You are always still.