What exactly is "men's work?" Leroy Gordon, one of the men's coaches I've enjoyed hosting on the podcast a number of times, said that he consideres our "work" to be the work of receiving the feminine into our lives. We are, almost by definition resistant and defensive about the feminine. Whether it's the woman you love, your kids or your mother or sister, whether it's your own "feminine" energies, letting "Her" in is our hardest work. And especially when it's flowing. Because then we almost always experience Her (our woman, our kids, life, our own feelings) as "too much." And our resistance becomes a huge problem.

What to do? Prepare. John Wineland, another men's teacher I admire, says this: The Conscious Warrior is committed to developing strength of the mind, physical body, and nervous system through dedicated physical, yogic, and meditative practice. We prepare to receive. To release our resistance. Get over our defensiveness. Not take things personally.

Online Morning Men's Group (October 16, November 6 & 20)

Twice a month I host this online men’s group. You're welcome to drop in and try it out. This week, as well as the regular short practice to start, and general "open topic" round table, I'm suggesting "resistance/defensiveness," whatever that means to you, as a focus. Please register at

Men Walking, Vancouver Island (October 19, November 5 & 16)

Every month on the first Tuesday and third Saturday I host an informal in-person opportunity for men to walk on Vancouver Island. Walking together is the focus; if you're ready to talk about what's on your plate this week or month, have at 'er. Please register at so I can give you the location of the upcoming week's walk.

For Men Who Love Women

The Path of Jade Bliss

We have now opened registration for our next Path of Jade Bliss for Men, on September 23. This is an in-person Vancouver Island workshop with men's sex coach Aumsong Troughton, and me. FMI and to register please see

The Apprenticeship to Love Virtual Workshops

On October 29 I'll be starting the 2024-2025 series of monthly (approximately 10x year) Apprenticeship to Love virtual workshops. These are practice-oriented sessions focusing on Kundalini Yoga and Tantric ways of becoming more intimate with yourself and with those you love. Occasionally I will be joined by guest teachers and tantricas.

These virtual workshops are free if you've registered in our Sacred Intimacy Retreats, or if you're an Apprenticeship to Love Premium subscriber.

For couples and singles, and especially for men who want to learn techniques to "receive the feminine." FMI and to register please see

Yoga for the Sacred Masculine: monthly, Vancouver Island

On the last Monday of every month I'm offering a 90-minute in-person yoga class for men on Vancouver Island. FMI and to register please see

Online Evening Men's Group

This fall I'll be hosting a six-month evening online men’s group on first and third Wednesdays, starting November 6. Please register at

Questions or comments?

Please email me at or book a 15-minute, no-charge Zoom or telephone chat at

Reverentially yours,
-Rev. Hans

Ps. I'm writing a book about the struggle (my struggle!) to receive the feminine in life. The book title, Apprenticeship to Love. I'm inviting you to be on the "1000 early readers" list. You'll get 1-3 short chapters a week, plus discounts. When you sign up for Premium you get free access to the Apprenticeship to Love Virtual Workshops and more discounts. Curious? Have a look at